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Selectmen's Minutes - July 18, 1995
           Minutes of July 18, 1995 Selectmen Meeting
                       Planning Session

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch; Charles Flynn; James
Haggerty, Chair; Peter Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk with
Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.  

I. Meeting opened: Meeting to order at 7:40pm for planning
discussion on memo sent to the Board by Nugent dated 7-13-95.
Enclosure did not accompany memo but will be presented this
evening by Town Accountant.  Bills and Warrants signed.

II. Presentation of Budget Forecast Sheets: Nugent and Gomez made
comments as Selectmen reviewed the green-bar sheets handed out
this evening. FY97 contains level funding for salaries and cost
of transfer station.   Nugent noted various possible solutions:
(1) asked Building Inspector for a review of Building fees; also
to do the same with other departments (2) review the use of
Revolving and Trust Funds.  Nugent noted that many have developed
recently and they limit the Town's control over monies for
expenses approval and lessen local receipts.  Kuchinski asked
Nugent or Gomez to develop a list of the Revolving and Trust
funds which includes a short history of each.  (3) look to
Planning Board to encourage developers for business, condos and
apartments.  he suggest looking at zoning in a sub-committee and
trying to create competition by offering incentives - tax
incentives on properties (Industrial Park, Grindle property).
This embodies the concept of waiving fees for some developments.
(4) Place tax-title properties on auction list. Treasurer-
Collector McCormack is doing this.  Nugent is presently compiling
a list of buildable lots.  He stated he has been contacted by a
developer who wants the Stillman property (proper name - the
Smith-Nawazelski Conservation Area) to develop and would donate
the services of developing a recreational field.  He noted that 5
lots in Camp Kiwanee would have brought in $400,000.   Other
comments were the need for professional development and the use
of intern programs within various departments.

Key Issue - WATER: A new source of water is, of course, crucial
to the Town's needs.  Nugent would like the Board of Selectmen to
take over the Clark negotiations and also revisit the authority
of the Water Commissioners.  In light of this he has begun to
talk with Hanover and Brockton to discuss potential water
purchases and over water development (Pleasant Street site).

Personnel: Nugent would like all professional staff contracts
brought under the Board of Selectmen in order to streamline
hiring and contract procedures. (Assessor-Appraiser, Council for
Elder Affairs, Conservation Commission consultant, Town planner.)
All personnel functions should be centralized.   It was noted
that a complete list of the many committees should be compiled
noting the appointing authority, who the Committee reports to and
what by-laws each committee functions under.  R. Sutter indicated
that he was working on this list with Nugent.

Zoning, Development concerns: Kuchinski noted that a committee
has been formed to discuss zoning and planning issues and we
should meet with them to hear an update.  haggerty noted that the
School Building Committee plan was coming out shortly calling for
the use of the Liberty Street property for building and fields.

Mrs. Sutter noted her disappointment that Cable TV was not
covering this meeting and would ask that future meetings be

IV. Adjournment: Motion 7/18/95.1: move to adjourn.  Motion made
by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0. Adjourned at